Our history

Our history

Good bye!

We are a small Munich family and work as a team on our dream of bringing our honey made in our own home into your kitchens. The master of the house takes care of our bees and honey, the girls concentrate on the online shop and social media appearances. Fair division of labor for fair and tasty honey!
The brain behind us:

From the auto mechanic to the Formula 1 genius to the beekeeper

Manfred is the head behind MaBees. Growing up in Holledau, as a young man, as they say in Bavaria, he ended up in Munich for work. Everything that has to do with engine power inspired him right from the start. He also found the love for speed, the good teamwork and efficiency in his bees. With only a few beehives in her own garden at first, I quickly developed a great enthusiasm for the little honey bees. The garden and cellar were increasingly filled with beekeeping utensils, the calendar with beekeeping workshops and training courses. Manfred now employs around 12 beehives in various locations in Munich and the team continues to grow.

The beginnings

In 2018 our exciting journey began with the takeover of bees from an old apiary. The retired beekeeper gave us all his tools and wisdom to take with us - we are still in contact with him to this day. After that it went faster and faster. The colonies have grown, the garden has become more and more crowded and the honey jars have started to pile up. Manfred attended more and more beekeeping courses and bees quickly became the number 1 topic of conversation at every family dinner. Then came the first expansions. On the right you can see our beehive, which is in the west of Munich. We transported it with a tractor for 2 hours from a suburb of Munich to the city. In the meantime our bees have found a home at 4 different locations in Munich. Of course, it wasn't always easy and to this day we have regularly struggled with various difficulties. Sometimes a whole swarm of bees "escapes" from us, which we are then allowed to catch again from our neighboring gardens, sometimes a beehive does not survive the winter. Bees are very special and exciting beings who need a lot of attention, patience and love - but just as much they give back and just as much joy they give us.
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