Our bees

Our bees

The heart and core of our honey

Our greatest value is the well-being of our girls. That is why our stock is only enough for as much honey as our bees want to produce - that means that depending on the season and year there is more or less of our delicious honey. But no worry! Should it really run out, we get our honey from our beekeeping colleagues, who give their bees the same attention and treat them with the same love as we do. Here you can find some pictures and interesting facts about bees.

Save the bees!

What You Can Do to Help Bees!

Everyone can do something to preserve and support bees and other beneficial organisms

Contribute from your own region!

Provide water on hot days

Preferably in a flat bowl so that the bees don't drown. Corks or twigs are ideal as a climbing aid!

Buy regional honey from a beekeeper you trust

This is natural and sustainable. In the honey industry, the little girls are kept en masse and with antibiotics.

In addition, honey from the region is healthier!

Live a mess in your own garden

A clean, English garden is nice to look at. But it offers nothing to nature.

A beautiful flower meadow not only helps the bees, it also attracts pretty butterflies. In addition, leave the pile of old wood standing, this offers a perfect habitat for wild bees!

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